This is the fifth year that I have observed this Osprey nest. It is located in the Whatcom Creek gorge, just downstream from Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, Washington. For more background, please see my previous posts about the 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011 nesting seasons. The small images can be clicked for bigger images. Click your back button to return to the post.
This year, the female was the first to arrive.
On March 31, 2015, Ma arrives
A Bald Eagle flies over and Ma launches from her perch to chase the eagle out of her territory.
April 2, 2015
Ma is still waiting for Pa to arrive.

April 3, 2015
Pa has arrived and they both start to rebuild the nest.
April 4, 2015
Pa is looking a bit more rested after his long journey.
He is working hard on the nest under Ma’s supervision.
The gorge has many dead trees from the fire. These snags have perfect branches for the nest.
They strike the branch with their feet, grabbing with their talons.
If it breaks off, they carry it back to the nest.

April 5, 2015
Pa was not seen today, but Ma was continuing to rebuild the nest.

April 6, 2015
Nest building, pair bonding, and mating was the order of the day.
April 7, 2015
Ma is gone for a few minutes and returns all wet.
She has gone for her morning bath in the creek.

Drying her wings.

Meanwhile the nest is getting bigger and more secure.

Some time later, Pa flies in and hovers over Ma as if to mate.
For an unknown reason, he changes his mind and just perches next to her.
Later on, he disappears for over an hour, surely gone fishing. Ma remains perched.
She then starts to vocalize, calling to Pa.
We suspect he has returned with a fish and she wants it.
We find him dining on a fish in a nearby tree.

After eating his share, he delivers the rest of the fish to Ma in the nest.
She takes it to another tree where she consumes it.
He goes back to working on the nest.

April 8, 2015
A beautiful day at the nest.

Ma at left, Pa at right.

April 11, 2015

April 15, 2015
Peaceful morning

April 22, 2015
Ma drying out after her bath.

Pa gives Ma a fish. She takes it to a favorite spot to eat.

Mating on the nest.

April 25, 2015
The mood around the nest has changed. We no longer see both birds off of the nest at the same time.
I think that eggs have been laid. Brooding has begun. Hatching should begin around May 25.
Pa perched over the nest.

Male Osprey * St. Clair nest
He drops down into the nest to give Ma a break. She leaves the nest and perches nearby.

April 26, 2015
Ma on break from nest duty.

April 28, 2015
Shift change.
Ma flies into nest, Pa leaves.

May 2, 2015


May 16, 2015
Ma flies into nest to relieve Pa.

May 26, 2015
Ma was vocalizing and flying around. A possible intruder alert. Pa was on the nest.
Ma perched for a moment and then flew into the nest.

Some time later, another intruding Osprey flew into the area. Pa, still on the nest, sounded the alert and Ma appeared from somewhere and vanquished the intruder. She then perched and preened. She appears to have had a bath. A third intruder appears, Pa screams, but this time Ma seems disinterested and continues to remain perched and continues to preen.
June 1, 2015
Pa eats his share before delivering the rest of the fish to Ma on the nest.

By now, the eggs have hatched.
After delivering the fish to the nest, Pa perches near the nest to preen and rest before the next fishing trip.

June 5, 2015

June 6, 2015
I arrived at the nest site at about 11:00 AM. Ma was on the nest calling to Pa. She was making the call that means … “stop eating that fish and bring it into the nest. The kids are hungry.” After a few minutes, Pa complied.

June 12, 2015
Pa taking some leftovers from the nest.

June 13, 2015
Ma on break from nest duties.

For the first time this season, since the eggs were laid, both birds are off of the nest. The chicks are big enough to be left alone.

After only a few minutes, Ma returns to the nest.

June 15, 2015
Pa delivered a fish to the nest. Ma was obviously feeding chicks.
Looking through my scope, I was able to see chicks for the first time this season.
I plainly saw three little heads craning to get a tidbit of fish that Ma was carefully doling out.

Pa returns to his perch tree.

June 25, 2015
When we arrived, Ma was on the nest edge and Pa was nowhere to be seen.
Eventually, Ma left the nest and perched near and above the nest.

Soon, Pa flew in with a large fish. Ma immediately flew back into the nest to receive the fish.
Pa perched near the nest with the fish in his talons.

He delivered the fish to Ma and the chicks.

Ma with one of the chicks.

June 28, 2015
The chicks were alone on the nest. Ma was perched nearby.
At 7:37 AM, Pa flew in with a rather large Catfish {?}.
Ma beat him to the nest to receive the fish.

Pa quickly leaves the nest.

Pa perches near the nest for some rest and preening before taking off for the next fishing trip.

At 9:36 Pa arrives with another large fish.

June 30, 2015
Ma is spending less time on the nest as the chicks get bigger and more independent.
She flies in and one of the chicks comes over to the edge.

At 9:27 Pa brings in a fish under the watchful eye of one of the chicks. Probably the second or third fish of the day.


I think the chicks are starting to self-feed, but Ma still feeds them.

July 1, 2015
Once again, when I arrive, Ma is off of the nest and Pa is nowhere to be seen.
After a few minutes, she flies off. She comes and goes for about an hour.
She is possibly chasing off intruders.
Ma on the nest.

At 10:12 Pa delivers brunch. This time it looks like a trout. Probably from Lake Whatcom.

In this photo, all three chicks can be seen.

July 2, 2015
An odd morning at the nest. I arrived a few minutes before 7 AM. Ma was calling for to Pa to bring his fish into the nest. I couldn’t see Pa, but I know the call Ma makes when Pa is nearby eating a fish that she wants delivered to her and the kids.

At 6:58 Pa delivered the fish.

Rather than feed the kids, Ma grabbed the fish and flew off with it.
She perched in a tree for a moment and then flew back into the nest.
She did not linger in the nest, but flew out and perched near Pa.

Pa left to go fishing at 7:25.
Ma remained perch the entire time he was gone.
Just before his return, she left her perch.
He delivered a small fish to the nest at 8:57.

Ma followed him into the nest.
This time Pa left with a fish, but it appears to be the fish that he delivered 2 hours earlier.
Ma did a bit of remodeling.
At 9:07, Pa returns the fish to the nest. Ma grabs it and flies off with it.

Three minutes later, Ma returns to the nest without the fish!
Did she stash it somewhere, or did she drop it?
Are the kids learning something from this behavior?
July 3, 2015
6:20 AM * Ma is on the nest vocalizing …. crying for Pa to go get a fish.
He is perched.
6:35 AM * Ma’s calling becomes more urgent.
6:40 AM * Ma leaves the nest and flies upstream.
Two minutes later she returns with some cedar bark.
She then makes another trip and returns with some nesting materials.
I guess she is trying to freshen up the nest.

Ma and one of the chicks waiting for breakfast.

6:53 AM * Pa stretches, leaves his perch, and flies upstream.
 Osprey * St. Clair Nest | |  Osprey * St. Clair Nest |
7:09 AM * Pa returns with a fish and is greeted with much excitement from the family.

7:10 AM * Pa leaves the nest, perches and preens.

7:35 AM * After feeding the kids and getting her share, Ma flies downstream.
7:44 Ma returns all wet. She has been having her morning bath with Pa watching over the nest.

8:02 AM * Pa leaves.
8:27 AM * Ma vocalizes and flies into the nest.
8:36 * Pa delivers a fish to the nest.
Ma feeds the kids.

July 4, 2015
6:40 AM * Ma was on the nest, feeding the chicks. Pa was perched nearby.
7:15 AM * Ma leaves nest, perches, preens, and cleans beak.

7:31 AM * Pa leaves the area, flying downstream.

7:34 AM * With Pa gone, Ma moves to a perch that gives her a better view of the kids from above the nest.
8:29 AM * Pa flies by.
One of the chicks waiting on the nest.

Osprey chick * St. Clair Nest
9:28 AM * Pa arrives with a nice trout. He perches and eats.

9:34 * Ma flies onto the nest, urging Pa to bring the fish to her and the kids.
She then changes her tone to an intruder alert call.
9:41 AM * Pa delivers fish to nest.

Much screaming from both adults as the intruder circles over the nest.
The intruding Osprey.

Eventually, the intruder perches on a branch above the nest.
This was totally unacceptable, and Ma flew off the nest. A high speed chase ensued, Ma showing off her excellent flying skills.
9:45 AM * Pa leaves the nest with the fish as the intruder pursuit is still underway.
9:58 * Pa returns to the area with the fish. He perches, but is still screaming at the intruder.

10:06 AM * Ma is still engaged with the intruder.
10:11 AM * Ma finally returns to the nest.

10:12 AM * Pa delivers the fish to the nest, again. Peace has returned to the nest area.

July 5, 2015
7:45 AM * Ma was airing out after her morning bath.

8:45 AM * Pa left the nest after delivering a fish.

July 9, 2015
7:27 AM * Pa delivers a fish.

7:37 AM * After feeding the kids, Ma leaves nest and perches.

7:38 AM * Under the watchful eyes of the kids, Ma brings some nesting materials into the nest.

8:18 AM * Ma perches over the nest.

July 18, 2015
8:35 AM * Ma is feeding the chicks on the nest
8:40 AM * Pa delivers some tree bark to the nest

8:41 AM * Pa leaves nest
8:46 AM * Ma leaves nest
8:48 AM * Ma returns to nest with a stick. Maybe the parents are giving the kids lessons on nest building.

8:49 AM * Ma leaves nest and perches. Chicks are exercising their wings.

Three Osprey chicks
9:06 AM * Ma leaves perch and flies downstream.
9:37 AM * Ma returns to perch.
9:41 AM * Ma flies off to the North, vocalizing
9:46 AM * Ma returns to perch and preens
10:15 AM * Pa flies in with a fish. He perches briefly and then delivers the fish to the nest.
Ma does not fly to the nest to feed the kids. She lets them work on it by themselves.
10:17 AM * Pa leaves nest and flies downstream. Chicks are feeding themselves.
10:20 AM * Ma vocalizes an intruder alert, twice.
10:29 AM * Ma drops down into nest and feeds the kids.
July 19, 2015
7:00 AM * No parents seen. The chicks are preening and exercising their wings.
7:45 AM * Both parents fly in, Ma onto nest and Pa circles and then delivers the fish.

Ma feeds the chicks.
8:14 AM * Ma leaves the nest and perches.
9:36 AM * Ma screams an intruder alert, intruder circles, Pa flies by with fish.
Intruder leaves.
9:46 AM * Pa flies in, perches and eats.
10:36 AM * Pa delivers leftovers to the chicks on the nest.

10:37 AM * Ma flies into nest to eat and feed the chicks.
The chicks are starting to get air when exercising their wings.

Landing after a “flight” across the nest.

July 23, 2015
Upon arrival, I could only see two chicks on the nest.
Then a chick flew by low in the gorge. It circled and tried to perch, but was having a hard time landing.
Finally it successfully landed on a branch just below the nest.

The first chick has fledged!
Ma was watching and Pa flew by with a fish.
The two chicks remaining on the nest were getting air and stretching their wings.

One watched its sibling get Big Air!

Pa brought a fish into the nest.

The fledgling followed him into the nest. Pa looked a bit nervous and leaned away as the fledgling attempted a landing on the nest.
The bird looked to be a decent flyer, but landing tends to be the hard part when they are freshly fledged.

July 25, 2015
Two have fledged.

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
Pa delivered a fish to the nest.
Ma took the fish for herself while Pa and two of the kids watched. She flew to a perch and ate it.

July 27, 2015
All three chicks have fledged and are quickly becoming good flyers. Landing is no so easy, but with practice, their skills are improving.

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
Ma spotted an Osprey intruder and was yelling at it. I think the intruder Ospreys sometimes watch Pa fishing and follow him back to the nest area in hopes of stealing the fish.
Ma took off after the intruding bird.
 Female Osprey * St. Clair nest |  Female Osprey * St. Clair nest |  Female Osprey * St. Clair nest |

Female Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
All three of the fledglings saw that Pa was flying in with a fish and rushed to the nest where they would compete for the prize.

Fedgling Ospreys * St. Clair nest

Ospreys * St. Clair Nest
The intruder was still in the area and Pa was yelling at it from the nest.

Ospreys * St. Clair Nest
July 28, 2015
The fledglings are so beautiful and fun to watch as they explore the world.

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

The fledgling discovered a snag low in the gorge over the creek. They like to perch on it and watch the creek. Their fishing instincts make them very curious about the rushing water.

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
July 29, 2015

Male Osprey * St. Clair Nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
I was surprised to see one of the fledglings fly into the nest area carrying a big stick. I suppose it was emulating the parents’ nest building demonstrations.
The load was a bit heavy and the youngster misjudged the attempted landing on a branch. Instead, it crashed into the branch. In the first photo, the bird has just dropped the stick {it can be seen in the bottom of the frame} as it crashes into the branch.

July 30, 2015

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
July 31, 2015

Fedgling Ospreys * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Ospreys * St. Clair Nest
August 1, 2015
Pa delivered a very nice fish to the nest. One fledgling was there to receive the fish.

Ospreys * St. Clair Nest
A second fledgling flew into the nest.
The first fledgling was mantling over the fish.

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
The two fledglings tussled over the fish.

Fedgling Ospreys * St. Clair nest
Some time later, one of the kids perched on the low snag over the creek.

Fedgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
August 7, 2015

One of the youngsters perched on the low snag, right over the creek.
The flowing water was just too inviting. It dropped down onto a rock and then went for a brief swim / bath.

It was able to launch from the water as it will need to do when fishing.

August 8, 2015

Ma follows a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk.

August 9, 2015

August 12, 2015
One of the fledglings received a beautiful fish from Pa.
Pa left and the young bird took the prey to a favorite perch to eat.
After a few minutes, an intruder arrived and perched above the youngster.
The juvenile screamed at the intruder and mantled over the fish.
Eventually the intruder left and the juvenile continued with the meal.
August 21, 2015

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest

Fledgling Osprey * St. Clair nest
August 23, 2015

Juvenile Osprey * St. Clair nest
August 29, 2015
A juvenile hangs onto a perch in 60 mph wind.

Click on link below for a video.
Young Osprey in 60 mph wind.