

Welcome to my site. This site was published January 2013 and I will update the galleries regularly. All images are available for purchase as prints, cards, or for use in publications, paper or electronic. Please email me with inquiries.

Contact me

To identify the file # of a particular image, hover your cursor over a gallery thumbnail. When navigating the site, click on a gallery thumbnail image for a bigger view and then scroll through a gallery page using the arrows. Click on an enlarged image to return to the thumbnail page of a gallery. Gallery pages have 20 images per page. To advance to subsequent pages in a particular gallery, use the arrows at the bottom of the thumbnail page. Comments welcome.

A special thanks to Rob Wright. Without his expertise and help this site would not be possible.

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 Posted by at 2:52 pm

  18 Responses to “Home”

  1. Hi Doug,

    You have wonderful eye for beauty, and your technical skills are obvious! Thanks for sharing. Dave

  2. Wonderful, brilliant images!. Your photographs capture the natural beauty & spirit of the Great Northwest!
    All the best, Rico

  3. Doug, What a beautiful place for your amazing photos my friend. I will be back to see what you add as your journey in Nature continues.


  4. Wow! I’m very impressed with this website and all it’s variety and color. So far it’s hard to determine a favorite but I do like the raccoon sleeping in the tree. Excellent work, Doug. I’ll continue to look for updates and share this site with others.


  5. Doug! WOW, your photography is AMAZING. Thank you for being out there to catch these magical moments, and thank you for sharing them. I will frequent your site and look forward to many more crystal clear and beautious photos to come. ~ Laurie

  6. Congrats on your website, Doug. I know you put a lot of hard work into it. Nice variety of images you’ve selected. I’ll be back to visit often.

  7. Congratulations on your new website Doug! It is a marvelous work of art! I’ll save the url to my favourites and visit often.

  8. Congrats! You must be very proud. Photos are really awesome!

  9. Doug, fantastic pictures thank you for all your hard work.


  10. Hi Doug! You are awesome! Bye.

  11. Nice work Doug. The personal touches are a very welcoming invitation to continue viewing.You have put something together here that is not only artistically beautiful but also gives a clear view into our natural environment.I look forward to more.Well done.

  12. Doug,
    Saw Ron today and he told me about you website….very impressive as is your wonderful photos. I’ll have Shea (son and also degree in photography) check this out. Great work! Steve Blair

  13. haaaay your only suppose to shoot birds. Nice pics, like the landscapes especially deception bridge/fog shot love the green herion and hummers. Good eye!

  14. Doug, Awesome shots and site. You are a great observer and artist! I might have to have a short eared owl flying in my home. The King Fisher, hummers and Herons, Sea gull stretching, Osprey, Sap Sucker eating ants, Beaver with his tail and Nudibranch are some Favs. Thanks. Marion

  15. Doug,
    You’ve got some real talent for photography. some of these images are just stunning!

  16. don’t think I’ve ever said ” oh my god” so many times. Listing adjectives would take hours. thank you for starting my day with such beauty.

  17. Hi Doug we met at Semiahmoo Spit we were the Canadian Couple looking for the godwits!

    Was nice to meet you and thanks for sharing your gorgeous shots of birds!


  18. Hi Melissa, I remember meeting y’all. I ran into your partner at Reifel a couple weeks ago. I hope to see you in the field again.

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