About Me


Born in Seattle in 1953, I grew up in Lake Forest Park. Back then it was the wilderness. We lived in a house that my father built on 3 1/2 acres of forest. Access to the property was via a dirt road through a dairy farm and a horse property. We were the last house on the road. My brother and I roamed the forest and built bike trails. We were the original mountain bikers on our 1 speed Schwinns. I got my first camera at age 8 and immediately fell in love with the magic of photography. In 1977 I graduated Everett Community College with an Associates degree in photography. I participated in the gallery art scene for a short time. The pinnacle being a one-man show of pinhole photographs at the Tacoma Art Museum. I was a bit late to the digital scene, but I got my first DSLR in 2010. Birds have become my main target, but I always enjoy being in and framing the natural environment.

I’m the little guy in the middle, chewing on a hammer handle.



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