May 192016
2016 St. Clair Osprey NestThis is the sixth year that I have observed  this Osprey nest. It is located in the Whatcom Creek gorge, just downstream from Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, Washington. For more background, please see my previous posts about the 2015,  2014,  2013,  2012, and 2011 nesting seasons. The small images can be clicked for bigger images. […]
 Posted by at 3:06 pm
Apr 042015
2015 St. Clair Osprey NestThis is the fifth year that I have observed  this Osprey nest. It is located in the Whatcom Creek gorge, just downstream from Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, Washington. For more background, please see my previous posts about the 2014,  2013,  2012, and 2011 nesting seasons. The small images can be clicked for bigger images. Click […]
 Posted by at 11:02 pm
May 252014
2014 St. Clair Osprey NestThis is the fourth year that I have observed  this Osprey nest. It is located in the Whatcom Creek gorge, just downstream from Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, Washington. For more background, please see my previous posts about the 2013,  2012, and 2011 nesting seasons. The small photographs can be clicked for bigger images. This year, […]
 Posted by at 5:12 pm
May 192013
2013 St. Clair Osprey NestFor the third year, I am watching this Osprey nest. It is located in the Whatcom Creek gorge, just downstream from Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, Washington. For more background, please see my previous posts about the 2012 and 2011 nesting seasons. I started watching the nest in mid to late March. On March 29, 2013, […]
 Posted by at 9:47 am
Dec 272012
Red-throated Loons Rescues January 31, 2012 *      While lurking around the lower Whatcom Creek tidal basin, I discovered a Red-throated Loon in distress on the tiny beach. Without the proper tools to free it from the crab bait box that had snared it, I left it there and quickly returned with a blanket and knife. I […]
 Posted by at 1:38 pm

Osprey Nest 2012

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Dec 102012
Osprey Nest 2012In late March of 2012, the male returned and started repairing the nest and establishing their territory.   They spend the next weeks pair bonding, mating, and nest building. Pa takes on the role of provider and supplies Ma with many fish. In these photos, note that Ma has a fish that Pa brought her. […]
 Posted by at 4:43 pm

Biking the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes

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Jul 182012
Biking the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes  In the fall of 2010, I spent 4 days in the panhandle area of North Idaho. This is a report on that area and specifically about the Trail of the Coeur D’Alenes. The trail is a 72 mile section of railroad right of way that has been converted to trail. It is entirely paved […]
 Posted by at 8:25 pm

Osprey Nest 2011

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Jul 182012
Osprey Nest 2011   Some of you may remember hearing about a pipeline leak and subsequent fire here in Bellingham, June 10, 1999. A pipeline was damaged and leaked gasoline into Whatcom Creek. The creek ignited and lives were lost, a forest ecosystem was severely damaged and is still scarred. Here are links to stories and photos about […]
 Posted by at 2:18 pm